Great Place to Work 2024


Medical Camp in the Fishing Villages

One of EC Group Datasoft’s repeating outreach activities is our medical camp. Why do we keep organizing the same event? Because, according to a report by the U.N., 75% of India’s healthcare resources are available to only 27% of the population—those living in urban areas. The challenge for those living in rural areas isn’t merely the day it would take to travel, but also the loss of that day’s wage. Fisherman already have enough instability in their wages, as their income depends on elusive fish.

So, in coordination with Jesus Loves Ministries, we helped gather physicians, ophthalmologists, nurses, paramedics, and a pharmacist to travel to a district of ten fishing villages outside of Chennai. Volunteers from FE India, the Fathers House, and EC Group kept the camp running smoothly while the medical professionals tended to their patients.

“I had the greatest satisfaction in this medical camp by helping the poorest of the poor, who were helpless as there was no quality Medical treatment available near their place of dwelling. Moreover, this was the first Medical Camp they had in their village.”—Dinesh F. David, General Manager, Finance.

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