Great Place to Work 2024


What you Need to Know about Offshore Vendor Hidden Fees

What do you need to know about costs and fees when it comes to offshore vendors. Watch the final video of our Criteria to Evaluate an Offshore Vendor series to find out.

Click here for a free PDF download of all the information contained in the video series!

[Video Transcript] Costs are pretty self explanatory. I mean, you don’t want to hire the lowest cost vendor, because typically the quality is not there. But the biggest thing you need to watch out for are hidden fees. Hidden fees typically show up when they’re having to put in extra hours, and then you’re charged a premium rate for any hours that your team works over a certain minimum. That’s really the last thing you want at the end of a big release, you don’t want to be hit with this massive bill where you have to pay for extra development hours. It’s not uncommon to work extra hours, and maybe paying a bonus for that, but you’re going to do that on your terms, not on the terms of your vendor. You want to reward your team for the hard work they put in, and not be tied in to this basically exorbitant amount of fees for maybe just a few extra hours work on a release. It’s your team, you should be able to reward them for the extra hours, don’t be constrained by your vendor. 

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